We have decided to momentarily stop distributing our microgreens at La Ruche Qui Dit Oui.

The logistics around growing microgreens are complex to distribute on many different days of the week, and we never know how much we will sell in advance, which is not ideal either.

We had five rewarding yet intense months distributing our microgreens to different Ruches around Brussels as a family business. We are very grateful for the experience it has given us, the hospitality of the organisers, and the support and feedback from the members of La Ruche.

We believe the best course of action for our business and family is to momentarily stop now and focus on other aspects that align with our future objectives, like selling directly to shops, among others.

We want to thank the organisers of the Ruches that hosted us for all these months for supporting us in our journey, and we are sorry to leave your Ruches at this moment. We hope you understand our situation and see you soon!