Welcome to the weekly oh nènè microgreens update, where we talk about the latest information on our microgreens journey. We started experimenting with microgreens in March 2021 and found the process fascinating. As we discover the wonderful world of microgreens, we feel inclined to share with you our progress.
Stopping at La Ruche Qui Dit Oui
Yesterday, we announced that we had decided to stop at La Ruche Qui Dit Oui momentarily. If you want to know more about our decision, please check out our official announcement here.
Selling at more bio shops
This week, we started selling at three new shops, and we are hyped about it! Check out our sales points! Stopping at La Ruche Qui Dit Oui will give us more time to focus on what’s next for us, selling at bio shops more consistently.

Tastings and the importance of them to selling in shops
We know it is essential to inform people about our microgreens, as it is not an obvious product and many people don’t know about them. We think organizing tastings regularly is the best way to attract new and repeated customers to acquire our microgreens. We organized a tasting this Friday at L’EPICIER, and it was a success for us! We sold all of our samples very quickly, and we were delighted with the environment and the receptivity of the customers from L’EPICIER. We will be doing more microgreen tastings in the following weeks, so stay tuned!

Cilantro microgreens test update
Last week, we started an experiment with coriander seeds. The results were that many seeds didn’t germinate at all because of the quick transition to light. So far, the test is not working super well. I was too quick to remove cilantro from the germination phase and moved it to the light perhaps too fast.
I’ve heard people use a humidity dome to grow cilantro, but we do not have that at the moment. People use a humidity dome to grow cilantro microgreens because coriander seeds love light to germinate.

We’ll see how these will grow in the next few days and if we will see any improvement whatsoever. Regardless of how this goes, we will need to start a new test soon.
Daniel Osorio