Welcome to the weekly oh nènè microgreens update, where we talk about the latest information on our microgreens journey. We started experimenting with microgreens in March 2021 and found the process fascinating. As we discover the wonderful world of microgreens, we feel inclined to share with you our progress.
Follow-up cilantro test
Last week, we started a test of cilantro microgreens. In the beginning, we doubted it was going to work because during the germination phase, barely anything germinated. It seemed like all the seeds were dormant. Then, after reading a bit online about cilantro seeds, I found some information about how the seeds like the light very much. I decided to give it a try and put the tray under the light even though 5% of the seeds germinated. After a few days, many more started coming out and eventually, almost all of them germinated. One important aspect is that I was spraying water directly on the seeds twice a day so they wouldn’t dry out.

We still haven’t harvested the cilantro microgreens, and we will do so next week and show you the results.
Follow-up sunflower test
Last week, we also had an interesting test with sunflower seeds. The experiment was to test two different batches that we got from the same supplier while using coconut coir as a growing medium. This week we got the results, and there’s quite the difference between the harvest weight, albeit not a taste or structure difference. Here are the results:
- Current batch’s harvest: 149g.
- New batch’s harvest: 220g.

The partial conclusion is that the quality of the seeds impacts the yield and germination of your microgreens. We grew both batches under the same conditions (the same tray split in two), getting different results. If the quality of the seed had been similar, we would have gotten similar results with a small margin of difference between the harvest yields, but that wasn’t the case.
New sunflower test
After doing the test on sunflower seeds with coconut coir, it occurred to me that the seeds may need a bit more water while germinating and that I was letting it dry too much when using the meshes, as happened a few weeks ago. So, I decided to start two new tests and pay more attention to both trays’ humidity. These were the experiments:
- One tray without medium, where the seeds rest on the growing tray.
- One tray with a coarse mesh as a medium.

I could see that the seeds resting directly on the growing tray didn’t germinate well as I had hoped. I believe the problem was due to the accumulation of water in the tray’s ridges, drowning the seeds. Indeed, the experiment with the coarse mesh went way better, although not as good as with coconut coir. I think I have been watering the seeds way too much. I will start a new experiment again with the coarse mesh and not over-water the seeds. These experiments take time, but it helps comprehend the behaviour and preferences of each type of microgreen. I am sure we will crack the code, and in the meantime, we need to be patient.
No more weight during germination
Since we started growing microgreens, we read in many places that we had to put added weight on top of our trays during germination to help the seeds grow stronger and whatnot. I recently challenged this practice because of the logistical hiccups it creates for us. The amount of time it takes me to remove the bricks from the top of the trays to reach them is annoying. Also, we need to have enough bricks lying around the growing room, and if we increase production, I cannot imagine the amount of extra time it would take to put on and take off all those bricks.
A few weeks ago, I tried removing the added weight from some of our trays, but I kept using the brick with peas and radish. However, I also tried removing the bricks from both peas and radish during germination and saw if it would negatively impact. The good news is that it didn’t negatively impact the process, and the seeds germinated solid and healthy! So from now on, no more bricks or added weight during germination! We will only use a top tray to cover the seeds and keep humidity trapped.

Thank you for your time, and until next week!
Daniel Osorio